'Heat' (1995)

Limited edition giclee printed on photo rag 308 gsm fine art paper

action crime drama

'Heat' (1995) - film-art
'Heat' (1995) - film-art
'Heat' (1995) - film-art
'Heat' (1995) - film-art
'Heat' (1995) - film-art
'Heat' (1995) - film-art
'Heat' (1995) - film-art
'Heat' (1995) - film-art
'Heat' (1995) - film-art
'Heat' (1995) - film-art
'Heat' (1995) - film-art
'Heat' (1995) - film-art
'Heat' (1995) - film-art
'Heat' (1995) - film-art
'Heat' (1995) - film-art
'Heat' (1995) - film-art
'Heat' (1995) - film-art
'Heat' (1995) - film-art
'Heat' (1995) - film-art
'Heat' (1995) - film-art
'Heat' (1995) - film-art

Regular price £139.00 Sale

Please select a size and framing option

Preview Matinee Feature Blockbuster Premiere
Unframed Black White Oak

Notes on sizing

All measurements given are for the printed image only. To calculate the overall dimensions of a framed print please add 200mm to both the horizontal and vertical measurements.

Example: A print image that is specified as being 825mm x 351m will sit inside a frame that has the approximate outside dimensions of 1025mm x 551mm.

'Heat' (1995)

Limited edition giclee printed on photo rag 308 gsm fine art paper

Director: Michael Mann

Writers : Michael Mann

Stars : Al Pacino, Robert De Niro, Val Kilmer

Hunters and their prey--Neil and his professional criminal crew hunt to score big money targets (banks, vaults, armored cars) and are, in turn, hunted by Lt. Vincent Hanna and his team of cops in the Robbery/Homicide police division. A botched job puts Hanna onto their trail while they regroup and try to put together one last big 'retirement' score. Neil and Vincent are similar in many ways, including their troubled personal lives. At a crucial moment in his life, Neil disobeys the dictum taught to him long ago by his criminal mentor--'Never have anything in your life that you can't walk out on in thirty seconds flat, if you spot the heat coming around the corner'--as he falls in love. Thus the stage is set for the suspenseful ending....